Oakland Muralist Murdered by Man with Stolen Federal Agent’s Gun


Earlier this summer, illegal alien Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez murdered American citizen Kathryn Steinle on a California pier in front of her father with a federal agent’s gun. At the end of September, an Oakland muralist was murdered by a criminal with a stolen federal agent’s gun.

ABC 7 reported on the murder September 29, 2015:

Tuesday morning around 10:30 a.m., 27-year-old Antonio Ramos, was shot while working on a mural under a freeway overpass in West Oakland. He later died.

Oakland Police Chief Sean Whent said this fatal shooting was “really tragic” and “totally unacceptable.” He added Ramos was “someone who was trying to make a positive difference in this city and lost his life.”

Oakland police spokeswoman Johnna Watson said the artist was one of several artists working on a mural planned for West Street under the Interstate 580 overpass between 35th and 36th streets.

Friends of Ramos said a man was messing with their equipment and Ramos asked them to stop, then before they knew it, he was shot while working on the mural.

Marquise Holloway, 20, was arrested and charged with the murder of Ramos, plus other charges of robberies and attempted robberies. As he made his first court appearance at Alameda County Superior Courthouse, where he hyperventilated and burst into obscenities as the charges were read against him by the judge. He was removed from the courtroom during the outburst.

Last week it was discovered that the gun used to murder Ramos was stolen from an Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, but sources say that Holloway was not the one who stole the gun.

Instead, Sean Gibson was arrested for the car burglary, which took place in San Francisco, the same sanctuary city where Kathryn Steinle was murdered.

You won’t be hearing a lot about this in the media and you certainly won’t hear about this from Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton because it doesn’t fit their gun grabbing agenda and attacks on the Second Amendment. Perhaps if these stolen federal agent’s guns were brought to the attention of the public more and more, we might get gun control where it needs to be: At the federal level; and rid ourselves of unconstitutional agencies in the process.

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