Ammunition Background Checks are Up Next on the Gun Control Agenda


When the gun grabbers can’t get all of the guns, they go after the bullets. Though Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom has hypocritically led the charge against the rights of gun owners while having tax payer funded armed security, he is now pushing to require background checks to purchase ammunition.

If you can’t get the guns, then you go after the ammo. Without the ammunition, the guns are basically worthless.

Guns in the News reports:

California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, in his quest to bolster his gun-ban credentials as he runs for governor in 2018, is pushing a handful of restrictions that would further devastate the rights of law-abiding Golden State gun owners who have already seen their freedoms infringed again and again.

Newsom’s proposal would, among other things:

  • Ban possession of and confiscate hundreds of thousands of lawfully possessed magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds;
  • Require licensing of all ammunition vendors and drastically limit the places where ammunition could be sold;
  • Require ammunition buyers to undergo a background check before they could purchase any ammunition; and
  • Turn law-abiding citizens into criminals should they fail to report lost or stolen firearms to police within a limited amount of time after they “should have known” a firearm was missing.

Newsom’s restrictions come in the form of a proposed ballot amendment, and he and his cohorts will need at least 365,880 signatures from registered California voters to qualify the initiative for this November’s ballot. Using paid signature gatherers, those signatures will cost several million dollars to collect. But billionaire statists like Michael Bloomberg, gun-control groups and other “progressive” organizations like The Joyce Foundation are collectively throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into a national campaign to demonize gun owners across the country, so it’s obvious they will spend what’s necessary to expand the fight in California.

Of course, we are talking about San Francisco, a place that has been dubbed the Sodom & Gomorrah of the united States. It is a place where the Constitution, law and the Bible have been already trampled upon. As Newsom pushes this ballot initiative, consider that in this first quarter of 2016, he has already raised $1 million from people who gave at least $5,000! More than that has poured in from others.

Newsom’s proposal has been rightly criticized by The California State Sheriff’s Association. The organization of sheriffs wrote, “Effectively, this measure will create a new class of criminals out of those that already comply with common sense practices that now exist.”

That’s exactly what lawless people do. They engage in criminal activity and then attempt to turn the law on its head and turn law-abiding people into criminals. The fact that this is being put on a ballot is evidence of that, as the Constitution that Newsom swore to uphold acknowledges that the people of San Francisco have God-given rights to keep and bear arms. It is not open to a vote nor discussion. Gavin Newsom is an enemy of the people, the Constitution and God.

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