You may recall that just a few weeks ago, Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group Everytown for Gun Safety produced a video public service announcement (PSA) in which Hollywood celebrities mindlessly chanted “We can end gun violence.” Among the stars who joined the mantra were Julianne Moore, Jennifer Aniston, Amy Schumer, Kevin Bacon, Michael J. Fox
, Sofia Vergara
, Sarah Silverman
, Ty Burrell
, and Nick Offerman. Now another has entered that very PSA, but this woman is a Second Amendment supporter, and her name is Sunny Lohmann.
Sunny spliced herself into the PSA that is tied to Take a look, but be warned, some of this is pretty funny!
Among some of the finer points that Sunny makes is that taking guns away would immediately stop gun violence like magic, just like Paris, right? There isn’t any gun violence there, is there?
And hey, if we can get rid of gun violence like magic, then why not rid ourselves of things like drug addiction, speech violence, poverty and bad smells. Bad smells… yes, she actually said it!
Of course, Sunny also asks a very pointed questions in her spliced entries. “Is it mean if we’re shooting the bad guys?”
Why take away people’s guns? Is it to force them to use knives, baseball bats… or even poison? Well, that is what some people would resort to, but the idea is so that tyrants can control the people, period.
And how would this utopian ending of gun violence be accomplished? Sunny says, “All we have to do is take away your rights. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.”
After over 2 minutes of video, even Sunny is bored with the droning on of the moronic mantra and asks, “Can we end this PSA?”
Indeed we can end the PSA, but sadly Bloomberg’s Everytown followed up the star-studded PSA with another PSA pushing the same agenda that featured members of the National Basketball Association.
Frankly, I think the video is not only comical, but shows the absolute absurdity of anti-gunners and the hypocrisy of the majority of those celebrities in the video, as many of them have made their living in films that portray the use of gun violence both for good and bad. As with those who want to take Americans’ guns, I say to the celebrities, “You first,” as in stop being involved in any film that uses guns at all. Let’s see how that works out for you.