Bloomberg Anti-Gun Group Teams Up with NBA in Latest Ad


The National Basketball Association has now fallen in lockstep with Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group Everytown for Gun Safety. New public service announcements were aired on Christmas Day that called for an end to gun violence.

According to the New York Times:

Players who appear in the first 30-second ad, which will run five times on Friday, speak in personal terms about the effects of gun violence on their lives. Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors describes hearing of a 3-year-old’s shooting: “My daughter Riley’s that age,” he says. Chris Paul of the Los Angeles Clippers recalls the advice he heeded as a child: “My parents used to say, ‘A bullet doesn’t have a name on it.’ ”

The N.B.A. said it had little internal debate about working with Mr. Bloomberg’s group, although it emphasized that its partnership was with Everytown’s educational arm and not its political lobby.

“The public service announcement airing during our Christmas Day games highlights victims’ and a few of our players’ experiences with gun violence and is solely intended to raise awareness about the issue of personal safety in our communities,” said Mike Bass, the N.B.A.’s chief spokesman.

The ads, he added, do not “advocate for any change in law or policy.” The focus, he said, is on “trying to make our communities stronger and safer for kids and families.”

Right, sure it isn’t. American patriots that is merely a statement that attempts to remain neutral, but neutrality is a myth. The New York Times openly states Bloomberg’s Everytown was founded “specifically as a counterweight to the National Rifle Association and battles at the local, state and federal level to expand background checks for gun buyers, strengthen penalties for gun trafficking and bans gun sales to people convicted of domestic abuse.” Therefore, by aligning themselves with Everytown, they are either stupid or they know they are, by affiliation, endorsing the very attacks on the Second Amendment that Everytown is engaged in.

If that were not enough, John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety, issued this statement:

“Athletes, law enforcement, gun violence survivors, moms, community leaders, and millions of Americans all know the impact of gun violence on our country. We’re proud to join with the NBA, these NBA stars, and Spike Lee to highlight stories of gun violence in America and bring people together to address the problem.  This partnership shows the wide range of people who are willing to speak up and be a part of our growing movement.”

“A part of our growing movement?” And what is that movement pushing? They are advancing the agenda of infringement on the rights which are to be protected under the Second Amendment, but they hide it under the claim that they want to “stop gun violence.” They have the same agenda and goals as Michael Bloomberg’s lying Moms Demand Action anti-gun group!

Remember, this is the same organization that fined former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling $2.5 million and issued a lifetime ban for free speech.

The NBA is not the first sports organization to aid anti-American organizations like Bloomberg’s.

In December 2013, the National Football League rejected a Super Bowl ad by Daniel Defense. Additionally, in October of that year, Super Bowl Champion Baltimore Ravens received $130,000 in taxpayer money to peddle Obamacare.

These sports organizations cannot be trusted. Furthermore, while I see nothing wrong with sports or sporting events, the fact of the matter is that Americans continue to support their own demise by buying tickets to these events and supporting organizations like the NFL and the NBA who are aiding the very criminal administration in power at the moment and the anti-Constitutional organizations like Bloomberg’s Everytown.

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